Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Guilty of a Non-Crime

Hey! What's up everyone. This is TaiRouzu, and I would like to state that I am a free human being, not some "corporate person" or "legal person" or whatever. I'd like to reserve all of my NATURAL UNALIENABLE RIGHTS according to the Creators of the Universe, the American Constitution and the American Bill of Rights.

IMPORTANT: This is for informational, educational, and informational purposes only. I do NOT offer legal advice...if you need legal advice: seek yourself a good decent competent Attorney-at-Law...and please be advised.

I have recently been charged and convicted of the "crime" of "Driving on Expired Vehicle Registration" in the Springville "Justice" Court (Utah Code 41-1A-1303)

I'd like to state, for the record, that I distinguish between LAW and CODE/STATUTE. LAW is designed to protect the rights and liberty of human beings (or natural persons.) CODE and STATUTES on the other hand, are simply there so that TODAY'S CORRUPT GOVERNMENT can steal as many Federal Reserve Notes from We The People.

THAT IS WRONG...AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL (for entertainment purposes.)

I, as one of We The People, has not consented to being governed in this manner, and yet...I am still being punished because I have done what TODAY'S CORRUPT GOVERNMENT considers to be a crime.

I would like to state, for the record, that I have the unalienable right to travel in the usual conveyance of the day...WITHOUT GOVERNMENT PERMISSION (for entertainment and informational purposes.)

The court is....technically...going after my STRAWMAN (or my artificial LEGAL PERSON represented by my birth certificate.) I had tried not to identify as that STRAWMAN, but as the administrator to that ALL CAPITALIZED NAME. Unfortunately, they just assumed I was that name.

Wanna Meet Your Strawman?

That video doesn't give you all the answers, but it will give you the basics. You'll need to do the research to claim you natural sovereign rights.

Once again I am TaiRouzu! Peace!

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