Sunday, March 3, 2013

Winning my first ticket.

 Hey, everyone! This is TaiRouzu, blogging about my adventures as a sovereign freeman in America. For the record, I hereby reserve my rights according to the creator(s) of the Universe, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights. I DO NOT offer legal advice, this is for informational and entertainment purposes only. IF you need legal advice, I recommend getting a lawyer.

Let's face it, cops out there are looking for an excuse to use the court system to either steal money from you or put you in a cage. The creation of "laws" by corrupt legislators allow them to do this. But We The People of the United States of America do have the right to challenge these laws and their army of enforcers. And we have the advantage: knowledge that the cops who write the speeding tickets are not the brightest people in the world...Let's exploit their weaknesses once and for all. Here's an example of how I got one of these speeding tickets dismissed.

On or about January 22, 2013, I was sitting in a courtroom in downtown Provo, Utah awaiting my trial for allegedly going 51 in a 35. The judge and prosecutor seemed to have been doing a good job with delaying my trial while I witnessed two other trials. One of these trials was for a bicyclist allegedly not having a headlight or something on his bike in the dark. The defendant had a good case against the cop, but at the last minute changed his plea to "guilty." He probably knew that the court was going to take the cop's side anyway. The other trial was for some guy who allegedly didn't yield for a crosswalk sting operation. This defendant had gone all the way, thoroughly cross-examining both cops who cited him, and he even used diagrams to help illustrate his defense. Unfortunately, the judge didn't buy it and found the guy guilty.

When it came my turn, I stood up, I addressed myself as "Anthony-Tai: of the Rhoades family," trying not to identify as "ANTHONY TAI RHOADES" (the all-caps artificial person). The prosecutor informed the judge that the witness against me has not arrived. Know what I did next? I immediately made a motion for dismissal based on the officer's failure to appear to testify against me. The prosecution did try to get a continuance, but Lady Luck was on my side that day: the judge granted my motion to dismiss. I walked out seconds later with a big ass smile on my face.

When the cop doesn't show up to your traffic ticket trial, you are entitled to have the case dismissed. The sixth amendment to the US Constitution guarantees you the right to face your accuser (in traffic cases, the cop who pulls you over.) Just make sure you claim that right by making a motion when there is no sign of the cop. However, if the prosecution does try to get a continuance, IMMEDIATELY OBJECT. Tell the judge that you have the right to face your accuser.

There are other ways you could get traffic tickets dismissed. I recommend Google-ing the following words: sovereign citizen, freeman on the land, Raymond Karczewski, Alfred Adask, FreeKeene, Tazadaq, etc. The information on the Internet can help you beat the evil legal system.

Be diligent, be intelligent, and best of all, good luck!

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